The Connection Between Toxic Mold, Parasites & EMFs

Living in the material world means an attachment to wireless technology. When does an attachment become an addiction?

Can you do without a cellphone? Watching TV? Scrolling social media? How much time in a day does wireless occupy? What do you consider excessive use? Do you experience withdrawal symptoms (moodiness, irritability, depression) by going without? Would you consent to the imposition of technology at the risk of harming your health and potentially all biological life?

Unfortunately, the emotional and physical effects of invisible electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) are not listed on the package. If you have two or more of the following devices; cell phones, computers, GPS, Smart appliances, electric cars, wearables, and Smart TVs, or electric cars, then there are symptoms you may never hear about.

The manufacturer does not disclose that EMFs activate the hidden world of yeast, fungus, mold, mycoplasma, Lyme spirochetes, and protozoan parasites to unhealthy levels in the human body.

The consequence of WiFi is a rise in chronic infections that can be misdiagnosed.

The industries responsible for creating this silent connection between EMFs and infection fail to take responsibility. The line between what will protect you, and what will not, has never been less clearly defined.

Read more: The Connection Between Toxic Mold, Parasites & EMFs

The post The Connection Between Toxic Mold, Parasites & EMFs appeared first on David Icke.

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