Conscription Is Coming Back To Europe

Authored by Dénes Albert via ReMix News,

While several countries are reintroducing compulsory military service, some EU politicians would welcome a uniform reintroduction across the EU.

Hungarian news portal Divány has rounded up the countries that have reintroduced conscription.

Professional armies are understaffed across the continent, as more and more European countries are recognizing. In recent weeks, not only EU leaders but also the leadership of the German Christian Democratic Party has brought up the idea of reintroducing compulsory military service.

At its party congress at the beginning of May, the CDU adopted a proposal that young people should be obliged to serve for a certain period either in the army or the social sector. Manfred Weber, leader of the European People’s Party, made a similar statement recently, saying he would extend conscription to the whole continent.

Germany abolished conscription in 2011, and this is what would be gradually rebuilt.

The former compulsory military service would be reintroduced as a year of community service, either in the Bundeswehr or a social institution. The initiative would also open up the possibility for women to enter the military. The German government would reintroduce conscription based on several scenarios, making it compulsory for all 18-year-olds.

The Swedish model is seen by many as an example, with all citizens in the Nordic country, both men and women, having to register and, at the same time, indicate their willingness to serve in the military. In Sweden, only a small proportion of those who are of age are actually conscripted into the army.

Germany is not the only country to revisit the idea of compulsory military service, with Denmark planning to introduce the recruitment of women in 2026.

Military service is compulsory in the following European countries: Cyprus, Greece, Austria, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Cyprus, Denmark and Sweden.

Latvia was the latest country to reintroduce the system, with all men aged between 18 and 27 having to re-enlist in 2023 for 11 months of compulsory service, just 16 years after its abolition, while military service is voluntary for women.

Read More: Conscription Is Coming Back To Europe

The post Conscription Is Coming Back To Europe appeared first on David Icke.

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