The Continuation of the Virus – No Virus Discussion

Recently a few articles came out questioning the Viruses don’t exist arguments. One of them is by Doctors for Covid Ethics, written by Michael Palmer MD and Sukharit Bhakdi MD here:

They write that the baby has been thrown out with the bath water and indeed, some misguided zealots now claim germs don’t exist at all which is absurd. Bacteria, Parasites and Fungi have been clearly identified microscopically and proven to cause disease by truly isolating them and then following the Koch postulates. Anybody who ever took probiotic supplements will know that bacteria are real. We have billions of them living symbiotically in and on our bodies.  Claiming these germs don’t exist is (purposefully?) shutting down the discussion about the existence of viruses and making it appear blatantly ludicrous.

I also want to make clear that I have great respect for Dr. Sukharit Bhakdi. He has shown tremendous courage coming out in the early days after the roll out of the fake vaccines warning about their dangers. In no way do I want to diminish his contribution during the plandemic.

The article criticizes the stance that pure isolation of virus particles is necessary to begin proving their existence. It lists the following reasons:

The particles of many viruses have very characteristic shapes that are not likely to be confused with any particles produced by living cells, or with debris left behind by dead cells.
There are many biochemical methods for characterizing viral particles, and moreover for establishing that they contain genetic information characteristic of the virus rather than the host cell culture.

Not all viruses can easily be grown in cell cultures. Those which cannot are indeed routinely propagated in, and directly isolated from, laboratory animals.

A good example of such an animal study was published by Theil et al. It concerned the isolation of a novel virus from gnotobiotic, i.e. otherwise germ-free pigs.

Read more: The Continuation of the Virus – No Virus Discussion

The post The Continuation of the Virus – No Virus Discussion appeared first on David Icke.

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