Stupid and Stupider — 5 Examples of the Ongoing Agendized Dumbing-Down of Society

By Paul A. Philips

If you are a globalist intending world takeover, what could be a more effective tool in your armoury than to make the populace stupid and stupider without them knowing?

In their ongoing hijack, silent war on humanity, the globalists know that this is an effective way to covertly control the populace.

Unaware that they are being dumbed-down how can the populace ever revolt?

In view of this here are 5 alarming examples indicating the ongoing agendized dumbing-down of society and what needs to be done.

1 – Dumbed-down care of the AI gatekeeper

Trinity College Dublin AI expert Professor Laurent Muzellec recently remarked that technology is “de-skilling” and demotivating university students. He remarked, through using generative AI such as ChatGPT generating answers to set essay questions/ coursework from lecturers, 99.9% of students “literally don’t learn anything…”

Where is the intellectual integrity? Not only posing as a threat to students’ learning and development skills, it also stops them from thinking for themselves. Unequipped for entering the jobs market and becoming an asset, isn’t the net effect that they have become dumbed-down by the AI gatekeeper…? -Yet another example of how the education system is dumbing-down society.

Then, on similar lines, there’s the ever-increasing AI takeover in the mainstream media. Take, for example, the case of popular periodicals such as Sports Illustrated where journalists are no longer needed to think for themselves and write articles.

This job is now done by AI. All the journalist does is make sure that it reads like the work of a human being!

2 – Radicalizing young people

In recent times we have seen counterproductive extremist stupid behaviour from young people. Through globalist indoctrination these young activists have become radicalized: Living in a bubble, they’ve been played. Consistent with Orwellian groupthink their related disruptive behaviours and opinions are in a number of cases not based on fact.

There are, for instances, the climate activists and the recent violent cult-like student Palestinian protesters such as those seen on American university campuses. Then there’s the transgenderists… (author’s note: nothing to do with having anything against transgender people).

These woke fantasists, extremists and protesters have been played into the hands of those they are in opposition with: Multi-billionaires secretly funding both sides of the opposition to control the outcome, which ultimately leads to more oppressive rules, regulations and censorship as a consequence of their actions…

3 – Dumbed-Down by Censorship and the Suppression of Free Speech 

“to suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker.”  -Frederick Douglass

Intended to be devoid of government intervention, granting and protecting the right to free speech, today, we are facing unprecedented levels threatening the principled First Amendment.  

Our alternative views are getting brutally censored. Keeping we-the-people on a forever shortening leash on what we’re allowed to say. They are deleting us for engaging in so-called anti-government hate speech or extremism, while done under the guise of “preventing disinformation/misinformation” for our “protection.” This has the net effect of:

Read More: Stupid and Stupider — 5 Examples of the Ongoing Agendized Dumbing-Down of Society

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