Starmer’s tyranny: Labour row in Jeremy Corbyn’s seat as local party members rage at ‘egregiously undemocratic’ process to select replacement in Islington North and say they’ve been treated with ‘contempt’

Local Labour members in Jeremy Corbyn‘s seat have vented their fury at party bosses over the way their general election candidate was chosen.

They accused Labour HQ of overseeing an ‘egregiously undemocratic selection process’ after Praful Nargund, who runs a private IVF firm, was picked as the party’s hopeful in Islington North.

He faces a bitter battle against Mr Corbyn, who has been Islington North MP since 1983, with many local Labour members still supportive of the veteran left-winger.

Mr Corbyn, the ex-Labour leader, was barred by his successor Sir Keir Starmer from standing as a parliamentary candidate for the party after being suspended in 2020.

He has now been fully expelled from Labour after confirming he will stand as an independent candidate at the 4 July general election.

In a sign of the intense battle to come between Mr Corbyn and Mr Nargund over the coming weeks, Labour are facing a mutiny by local party members.

In a strongly-worded statement, officers of Islington North Constituency Labour Party (CLP) condemned Sir Keir and his team over the appointment of Mr Nargund.

They accused Labour bosses of showing ‘contempt’ for local activists in the north London seat.

‘On 24 May Islington North CLP members learned via a London Regional Labour Party post on X that the CLP’s parliamentary candidate had been appointed,’ the statement said.

‘This decision was not communicated directly to CLP members and CLP officers.

‘The CLP was not given the opportunity to meet the appointed candidate nor to understand what his policy positions are.

‘This is the final stage in an egregiously undemocratic selection process.

‘Once again, the national Labour Party has shown contempt for hard working and dedicated members who campaigned relentlessly to re-elect the London Labour mayor Sadiq Khan.

‘The Labour Party defines itself as a democratic socialist party. On this basis all members, including those in Islington North, have the right to genuine input into democratic decision making, including the right to select their parliamentary candidate.

Read More: Labour row in Jeremy Corbyn’s seat as local party members rage at ‘egregiously undemocratic’ process

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