Male politicians in Mexico are identifying as women to fill electoral gender quotas

With politicians being permitted to stand as women by merely identifying as such, transgender activists are getting precisely what they have been asking for.

(LifeSiteNews) — Stories about the impact of the transgender movement on politics are very rarely funny, but a recent headline that fits the bill caught my eye last month: “Leftist Male Politicians Are Self-Identifying As ‘Women’ In Upcoming Municipal Election To Secure Candidacy.” 

The story is as wild as it sounds. As it turns out, two progressive political parties – the Green Ecologist of Mexico (PVEM) and the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) – are being condemned by other progressives for nominating a number of men to run as women in the municipal elections in the state of San Luis de Potosí. Mexico’s Constitution contains the Gender Parity Law, passed in response to the country’s sexual violence crisis, which requires that 50 percent of elected positions be held by women. 

The PVEM and PRD have nominated four men in total to run as women – one of them, the PRD’s Saulo Morales Guerrero, had originally registered as a male, but then switched his gender to female, presumably to abide by gender parity guidelines as the PRD had already exceeded their quota of male candidates. Due to transgender “self-identification,” it’s a simple matter of filling out the paperwork. 

“It is unclear at this time if the parties simply didn’t have enough female candidates to run, as all political parties must nominate at least five women in order to participate in the elections,” Nuria Muíña García reported. “The move might also be a way of guaranteeing a win, as female candidates can often ‘leapfrog’ over their male opponents if parity has not been met.” 

The PRD, however, has responded to questions about this with great self-righteousness, telling one newspaper that: “This year’s process opens the door to a historic opportunity to build equality and inclusion where all social groups such as women, indigenous peoples, the LGBTQ+ community and people with disabilities can have guaranteed participation and have their voices heard in every space.”  

Read More: Leftist male politicians in Mexico are identifying as women to fill electoral gender quotas

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