Former BBC Newsreader Says She Left Corporation Because it Failed to Challenge Lockdowns

Former BBC newsreader Kate Silverton has said she left the corporation because it was failing to challenge the impact of Covid lockdown policies on children. The Telegraph has the story.

The former BBC newsreader said she left the industry in 2021 as it no longer brought her “joy”.

The mother-of-two said amid the pandemic she wanted to “‘be in a position where I was helping more” and decided to retrain as a child psychologist.

Silverton told Psychologies magazine: “To be honest, news wasn’t bringing me joy throughout that period of time, and I was questioning a lot of the policies that weren’t being interrogated as rigorously as they might have been journalistically, in terms of the impact I was seeing the pandemic having on children.

“I wanted to be in a position where I was helping more.”

The Government has faced criticism for its decision to close schools for long periods of time during lockdown, as well as its policies on children wearing masks.

Read more: Former BBC Newsreader Says She Left Corporation Because it Failed to Challenge Lockdowns

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