Scotland’s population is 96% white. Asian, African, Caribbean or Black, Mixed or Other ethnic groups are 4%. But both major political parties are led by people of Pakistan descent. Statistically, that’s quite a feat. Just saying. Is it against the law now to point this out? Just asking because both of these leaders seem obsessed with 96% white Scotland having white people in office


Due to Humza/SNP’s new ‘Hate Crime Law’ and confusion around retrospective cases Police Scotland is being BOMBARDED due to this speech.

People are phoning 101 and the form:

As the law says even it ‘feels wrong’ you can report it.

— UNN (@UnityNewsNet) April 1, 2024

Just in

Scottish Labour Leader Anas Sarwar now being reported en masse, according to reports, due to this speech in the Scottish Parliament on the 11th of April 2020.

We have seen evidence of reports where people says this ‘feels wrong’ due to his constant talking about white…

— UNN (@UnityNewsNet) April 1, 2024

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