Taxi drivers warn they will be ‘wiped out’ in the New Forest under new council plans to ban cabbies whose petrol or diesel cars are more than five years old

Taxi drivers in a national park have warned they could be ‘wiped out’ after a council proposed to ban cabbies whose vehicles are more than five years old as part of its strategy to tackle climate change.

Operators say they are facing a bill of tens of thousands of pounds if Hampshire’s New Forest bring in a planned ban on pre-2021 petrol and diesel taxis.

But concerned cabbies have said replacing older working vehicles is ‘not going to be environmentally friendly’ and they fear the changes could get rid of some 70 per cent of taxis in the area.

They said the policy – which is due to come into force in January 2026 – will have a negative impact on disabled and elderly commuters as electric wheelchair-friendly vehicles are too costly.

One local cabbie, Philip Bristow, said the outlay of having to replace his vehicle would financially cripple him.

Read more: Taxi drivers warn they will be ‘wiped out’ in the New Forest under new council plans to ban cabbies whose petrol or diesel cars are more than five years old

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