Anti-Ulez Campaigners Block “Every Camera” in London Borough

Protestors against Sadiq Khan’s Ulez scheme have reportedly obstructed “every camera” in Sutton. The Telegraph has more.

Around 400 protesters took part in the borough-wide demonstration, which organisers say involved obstructing more than 80 cameras on Sunday afternoon.

Bus driver Kingsley Hamilton, of campaign group Action Against Unfair Ulez, said the demonstration meant that no Ulez camera was functioning in the South London borough – as at least 20 other cameras have already been damaged or removed.

Motorists driving through Sutton were previously not impacted by the Ultra Low Emission Zone daily charges of £12.50 per day for non-compliant vehicles.

However, London Mayor Mr. Khan’s expansion of the scheme last year saw around 90% of the borough fall under Ulez rules overnight.

Read more: Anti-Ulez Campaigners Block “Every Camera” in London Borough

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