Chaos Erupts In Brussels As Rubber Bullets Fired At Farmers Protesting Outside EU Parliament

Rubber bullets and water cannons were deployed against hundreds of European farmers protesting outside the EU Parliament building in Brussels on Thursday. The farmers threw eggs, set off fireworks, and started fires near the building while demanding that European leaders stop punishing them with more taxes and rising costs imposed to finance a so-called ‘green agenda.’

The protests coincide with a Thursday summit of EU leaders, with the farmers calling on them to scrap agricultural and environmental regulations implemented by leadership in Brussels.

Manifestation des #AgriculteursEnColere à #Bruxelles : premières tensions devant le Parlement Européen. @CLPRESSFR

— CLPRESS / Agence de presse (@CLPRESSFR) February 1, 2024

According to reports, farmers have broken through the barricades outside of Parliament and also ignited smoke bombs.

Breaking: Farmer protests escalate at EU Parliament with barricades breached and fires ignited.

— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) February 1, 2024

Read More: Chaos Erupts In Brussels As Rubber Bullets Fired At Farmers Protesting Outside EU Parliament

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