‘A Very Dangerous Medical Experiment’: CDC Expands Vaccine Schedules for Kids, Pregnant Women and Most Adults

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending more vaccines and vaccine doses across the board for children, pregnant women and adults, according to the agency’s 2024 immunization schedule.

The updated schedule triggered a flurry of news and reactions in recent days. However, the CDC released the updated schedule in September — months earlier than usual, to speed up insurance payments for newly recommended vaccines, the American Academy of Pediatrics reported.

The 2024 schedules include newly authorized recommendations for preventing COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), flu and pneumococcal disease.

“This amounts to nothing more than a very dangerous medical experiment foisted on America’s infants and children,” said Brian Hooker, Ph.D., senior director of science and research at Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and co-author of “Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak.”

Hooker told The Defender the CDC has never tested the efficacy or the safety of the entire childhood vaccination schedule.

Integrative physician Dr. Mary Kelly Sutton told The Defender, “The CDC continues to function as a powerful promoter of vaccines, not as a protector of public health.”

According to Sutton, who lost her license in three states for writing eight vaccine exemptions in California before the pandemic, there is little evidence of vaccines’ effectiveness and a lack of officially accepted research on their adverse effects. She said:

“The CDC could give wise guidance on vaccines but has so far accepted ACIP [Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices] approvals without studies. Universally, vaccines lack true placebo controls, and recently, lack human trials of any kind.

“The sad truth is pharma money rules the CDC, and the American people (and the world) are deceived and placed at risk.”

Commenting on the expanded vaccine schedule, Dr. Michelle Perro, a pediatrician and co-author of “What’s Making our Children Sick?” told The Defender, “It’s an outrage. It’s not necessary, and they’re hurting our children.”


#DYK that in the U.S. many physicians and their staff are not trained or experienced with evaluating patients for increased risk of #vaccine side effects beyond general contraindications recognized by the CDC? Read more: https://t.co/Lc6IIyLabn pic.twitter.com/aGoFMdX4eB

— Physicians for Informed Consent (@picphysicians) January 24, 2024

Read More: ‘A Very Dangerous Medical Experiment’

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