The American Elite Want to RATION Food, Power, and Gas for the Rest of Us

It’s looking more and more like an “us vs. them” nation. A recent poll taken by Rasmussen (RMG Research) on behalf of The Committee to Unleash Prosperity had some alarming findings regarding how the richest 1% of America really feel about the rest of us.

Spoiler: They don’t think highly of us. They couldn’t possibly care less about our struggles. They live in an entirely different world than we do.

What is even more unsettling about the conclusions you will read is that these people are the ones who can afford to contribute to political campaigns and influence policies and legislation in America. We’d like to say that our government is a representative one, but let’s not kid ourselves.

Money talks.

Who are the “American elite?”

The survey defines the “American Elite” as those “having at least one post-graduate degree, earning at least $150,000 annually, and living in high-population density areas (more than 10,000 people per square mile in their zip code).”

President of RMG Research Scott Rasmussen defined the participants as “urban academic elite” who are “extraordinarily influential in government, corporate America, and the philanthropic worlds.” In some categories, the sector is further divvied up by regular elites and Ivy League elites.

So – well-to-do, well-educated city dwellers. Who greatly influence everything.


So what do these people really want to see happening?

More than 60% of Elites who were interviewed for this poll would like to see a crackdown on personal freedom. The rabble needs to be kept in line, you know.

They certainly don’t trust the great unwashed to manage environmental issues voluntarily. “77% of the Elites, including nearly 90% of the Elites who graduated from the top universities,” would like us to face rationing of essential items. They’d like to dole out:


In other words, put on a sweater, walk, and eat your bugs, losers.

Two-thirds of them would prefer that educators be in complete control of our children’s curriculum at school, no doubt to brainwash them into going along willingly with their outrageous notions on how things should be.

The Elite would also overwhelmingly like to ban things that they don’t believe we should have access to, such as:

Gas stoves
Gas-powered cars
Air conditioning
“Non-essential” air travel

Stay in your place, peasants. And pipe down about your climate control.

Wait – did I just hear someone say, “Let them eat cake?” Someone should likely tell them how the first person who said that ended up after ticking off the underprivileged.

They see the world totally differently than the rest of us.

The way they view the world is also vastly different than the way we do. These folks say overwhelmingly that they discuss politics daily, whereas only 9% of us peons speak of politics and politicians daily. Perhaps it’s how they keep amplifying their ridiculous beliefs – by being so heavily involved in politics.

But wait, hold on to your halos, angels. There’s more.

Read More – The American Elite Want to RATION Food, Power, and Gas for the Rest of Us

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