Was Epstein trying to recreate Lilith in New Mexico? Richard Willett Substack

The above image was sent to me by Epstein Survivor Juliette Bryant. Juliette is someone I have much respect for and who has helped with this investigation and on going research. Myself and Juliette have conducted two 1 hour interviews that can be seen on Ickonic.com about her experiences with pedophile and human trafficker Jeffery Epstein.

There have been thousands of articles written, in-depth books such as Whitney Webbs‘One Nation Under Blackmail’ and Sean Attwoods ‘Who Killed Epstein’. We have had mainstream documentaries covering the Epstein scandal such as the Netflix series‘Filthy Rich’ and Juliette herself even appears in the BBC Documentary ‘House of Maxwell’.

What none of these excellent investigations have covered however is the areas that myself and Christopher Jon Bjerknes have been researching into, along with assistance from Juliette herself.

Juliette had one question that no-one could give any explanation for however. This question covered why herself, Virginia (Roberts) Giuffre and Epstein Survivor Sarah Ransom all use the Blue Butterfly symbol in there lives for entirely different reasons ?

In addition to this why did Epstein himself call his own trust the ‘Butterly Trust’ in which it is claimed funds were held to be used in his various criminal schemes.

Below is an image that Juliette created herself posing this fascinating question. Juliette sent myself this image and has also posted it on her current X Account @DragonAppleB which is her second account after Elon Musk’ X delete her previous account for reasons yet to be explained by X.

Read More: Was Epstein trying to recreate Lilith in New Mexico?

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