Three Extraordinary Interviews

This week, three remarkable interviews were broadcast: Nancy Pelosi sat down with the BBC; Larry Sinclair sat down with Tucker Carlson; and Jacob Chansley sat down with Stephen Gardner

Nancy Pelosi needs no introduction, although you might not recognise her under all that Botox. She uploaded her sit-down with the BBC’s HARDtalk programme to her YouTube channel, which boasts fewer than 17 thousand subscribers, not a lot for a woman who was so powerful and did so much damage to her country.

She was asked a few hard questions but nothing about the Russian collusion hoax or any of the other scams the Democrats pulled off in the past few years. She refused to speak about Donald Trump by name although she did gush praise for Joe Biden saying he would run again in 2024, and oh, what a splendid job he has been doing running the country. Such as…? Opening the southern border and allowing the country to be swamped by millions of illegals to such an extent that even black Democrats in Chicago and New York have had enough. Then there was the Afghanistan debacle, the war on American industry, including on small businesses, turning America into even more of a police state, just that for starters. This woman really is delusional.

Her most outrageous comment, alluding to Donald Trump, was that no one is above the law. As Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch has pointed out, Trump has for years been below the law while criminal Democrats break the law with impunity yet are never held to account. How did you get so rich, Nancy?

The Tucker interview with Larry Sinclair can be found on Twitter, or X as it is now to be called. Sinclair is the out homosexual who claimed to have smoked crack with then Senator Obama and performed a sex act on him. At the time, this claim was dismissed, but recently it was revealed that when he was much younger, Obama wrote a letter in which he said he fantasised about having sex with men. Most of us fantasise about doing things to men, and women, at times, that are far worse than engaging in perverted sex. If a guy rips you off big time don’t you just fantasise about ripping his head off? Fantasies are just that, fantasies.

Also recently, Obama’s chef was killed in a bizarre drowning accident, and this has led to all manner of wild speculation. Then there are the dorks who have long claimed Michelle Obama is really a man. Dude, the lady works out, get real.

How much credence should be given to Sinclair’s claims? Tucker and the man himself played down his criminal record, but in 2008, Politico pointed out that he had an extensive criminal history including for fraud and deception. Does that mean he must be lying? Of course not, one is reminded of the Jeffrey Archer affair in which he was accused by a prostitute of having paid her for sex. Archer sued a tabloid newspaper for defamation and won a massive judgment, but a decade later the truth came out.

Having said that, whatever we may think of prostitutes, a professional con-man with Sinclair’s antecedents is a lot lower down the food chain, so his allegations should be dismissed without very strong corroboration. We should also remember that bad as Obama was, especially in his second term, the only alternative to him in 2008 was McCain, a neocon warmonger who would have set the Middle East or even the entire world on fire, so we should be grateful for small mercies.

Jacob Chansley is by far the most interesting of the three interviewees. Jake is of course the so-called QAnon Shaman. If you ignore what he says about the Kennedy assassination, ley lines, and Nikola Tesla, this is a man who makes sense because he understands both the nature of power and what Mankind must do to throw off its shackles. Our biggest problem he says is a bloated bureaucracy that wields real power making decisions and in effect laws that have been delegated to it by politicians. In the United States, this includes agencies like the CDC and of course the ATF, then there are the executive orders Biden has been throwing around like confetti.

Chansley also gave an insight into what really happened in the Capitol on January 6, 2021, something that is corroborated by the CCTV that Tucker previously released, and which is believed to be the reason for his parting company with Fox News.

Now here is a thought, what if Chansley and a few more like him were to run for office? 

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