‘It’s Marxism’: Woman Declares Lesbian Community’s Separation from Woke LGBTQIA+ Trans Drag Cult

A lesbian writer penned a viral social media post distancing the lesbian community from the woke leftist cult pushing trans degeneracy on children.

“I went to dozens of lesbian parties and events while they were still a thing,” Heidi Briones wrote Wednesday in a tweet viewed over 6.9 million times, adding such parties featured “drinking beer, taking shots… toplessness and nudity, playing cards/pool,” and “hooking up.”

i went to dozens of lesbian parties and events while they were still a thing.

what happened:

drinking beer
taking shots
k-y jelly wrestling
toplessness and nudity
playing cards/pool
hooking up

what never happened:

all ages drag shows
people asking “what are…

— Heidi (@HeidiBriones) May 24, 2023

“What never happened,” she adds, “all ages drag shows people asking ‘what are your pronouns?’”

Briones goes on to call out the “LGBTQIA+ mafia” as a “Marxist” movement, and slams them for attempting to ignore the voices of female lesbians.

Read More: Woman Declares Lesbian Community’s Separation from Woke LGBTQIA+ Trans Drag Cult


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