The WHO has declared Covid over but the real pandemic has just begun: iatrogenic C19 ‘vaccine’ injury

The experimental covid-19 ‘vaccines’ have caused extreme suffering and loss around the world. This is the reality for countless people and families. Loss of health, well-being, vitality, friends, employment, loved ones and trust in governments and health professionals.

People who have been harmed by the injections are unacknowledged, abandoned and ignored by a centralised authoritarian health system that dances to the tune of Big Pharma and a small cabal of billionaires with massive vested interests.

On Saturday 13th May, there are events happening across the world to highlight the plight of those injured and bereaved by Covid 19 “vaccines”. Many of these events will be live-streamed and anyone watching will see the huge numbers of people affected and those supporting them.

Read more: The WHO has declared Covid over but the real pandemic has just begun: iatrogenic C19 ‘vaccine’ injury

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