Trump, Cosby And The Myth Of Rape Myths (1)

The verdict in the E. Jean Carroll v Donald Trump case is now in, and somewhat surprisingly although the jury threw out the rape allegation they found Trump liable on a lesser charge. This has been widely reported as Trump’s rape trial; it was of course no such thing.

Regardless of the verdict, Donald Trump is a victim the same way Bill Cosby was a victim years before. And he is a victim for the same reason – feminist lies. And although she was not behind this case, the same woman who victimised Cosby is responsible, albeit indirectly, for this verdict, because without Gloria Allred the trial would never have come about.

Sadly, like millions of others, Trump pronounced Cosby guilty, even though there were other demented women who had already long tarred him with the same brush. 

Behind the false conviction of Cosby and the ludicrous verdict in the Trump defamation case are two of the most prominent rape myths, that of corroboration by volume and just as if not more important, that of delayed reporting. In these cases one must also allow for the celebrity factor. Both Cosby and Trump have been portrayed as extremely wealthy, powerful men who women are too scared to hold to account for their misdeeds. The way Trump has been persecuted and hounded from his elevation to the Presidency and before should rule out that belief. As for Cosby, he was a comedian, an actor, and philanthropist. First though let us consider the celebrity factor.

Celebrities of both sexes are often falsely accused of all manner of misdeeds. In the cyber age, the term celebrity can be extended to anyone who has a few thousand or even a few hundred followers on social media.

Think about it, YouTube alone has over two and a half billion users. That is a staggering number, nearly one person in three on the planet. Now ask yourself this question: are all these people legal, decent, honest and truthful? Are they all sane? A genuine celebrity like Cosby or Trump may incur the wrath of a malicious individual in any number of ways, by saying something non-controversial. By not saying something. By smiling at the wrong person… 

An Alpha Male celebrity like Trump is sure to attract thousands of aggrieved female haters. Now let us consider the delay factor. It is often said by feminists and those working in the sexual grievance industry that rape is too difficult to prove. This is not so, especially with historical allegations, ie any allegation that is a few months old. The reason for this is that rape is a crime that leaves physical evidence. Most rape victims resist their attackers, and this generates physical evidence. Don’t fall for any of that “I just froze” BS. We have copious evidence, including from CCTV that quite young girls will resist and sometimes even successfully fend off an attacker.

Genuine victims also report promptly or reasonably promptly. If they don’t go at once to the police they seek medical attention, as they should for internal injuries, possible infections, and for younger women, pregnancy. Let us be quite clear about this, there is no excuse for a reasonably intelligent educated woman in the West, indeed most of the world, not to report her rape when she has been violated by a man who has no hold over her. A woman who claims to have been raped twenty or even two years ago should have zero credibility without strong contemporaneous corroboration.

There are of course times when a woman might consider it unwise to resist, but that does not include a woman who is attacked in a high end retail store with CCTV, staff and possibly many people within earshot. Donald Trump would have to have been insane to attack a woman under those circumstances and believe he could get away with it. Does Trump strike you as insane?

Apart from that public meeting, at which Trump met Carroll and appears to have genuinely forgotten he did, there is no credible evidence that he had even met her. The same cannot be said for Bill Cosby’s multiple false accusers, he appears to have known some – but not all of them – including in the Biblical sense.

The Cosby witch-hunt began when he was accused of digitally penetrating Andrea Constand, a professed lesbian who just happened to be dining alone with him at his home. Constand reported this alleged act to the police the following year. During the evening she had been drinking alcohol and also took Benadryl tablets which Cosby gave her. Those facts alone – the drugs (including alcohol) and the delay – should have been enough to nix any prosecution. For comparison, here is the Rodney Anderson case in which the false accuser genuinely believed she had been violated against her will.

There was no initial prosecution of Cosby, so Constand launched a civil action against him. At some point, Gloria Allred entered the frame, and, surprise surprise, she found or invented a plethora of other accusers many of whom claimed to have been drugged and raped by Cosby. Can all these women be lying? Think again about falsely accused celebrities, and add to that the element of trawling for victims.

To Part 2.

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