Understanding Deep Politics featuring Michael Parenti


“This was in 1978. 78 when this this guy from the business council made that that statement that we’re heading for social democracy what he meant is we’re heading we’re going to become another Denmark or Sweden or Norway where people will have health care where the standard of living is going to be very good and high where there’s going to be a real pressure on the super-rich where CEOs will not be able to make hundreds of millions of dollars every year they’re going to have to get along on just a few million a year you know how the hell guy like that live on a few million a year so they don’t want that and 78 was a very significant year because of course that business counsel delivered the word to President Jimmy Carter and we got reaganism and we got Reagan two years before Reagan he didn’t come into office till January 81 and the 78 Carter was acting like Reagan he started cutting back on human services he called for increase in the military budget he was moving in a rightward direction but Carter couldn’t really do the thing that they wanted which was a massive rollback Carter was still beholden to the labor unions to black voters to progressives liberals and those people and so they went with Reagan now fast forward 30 years you have had in that 30 years an ideological war that these guys have waged they understand something that the Liberals still don’t understand they understand something in the Republican Party that the Democrats still haven’t been able to grasp because the Democrats are too busy saying we don’t disagree that much we really can work together we can be bipartisan they understand that ideas count that ideology counts that the words you use count that that those words control those ideas and those ideas control those people and they have been hammering home for those 30 years so you go 30 years forward to the year 2008 and David From GOP strategist quote the core task that the Republican Party has had was to stop and reverse to some degree the drift of democratic countries after the Second World War towards social democracy and that is what we did in the u.s. we stopped the drift toward and there’s those two words that jump right back up out of the page at me it was in The New Yorker magazine social democracy we got to stop the drift towards social democracy these guys know about social democracy and they know they have a conscious agenda to prevent it from happening and they know that their opponents aren’t even paying attention.”

He writes as follows when it can be established and he’s writing about conspiracy when it can be established that a number of political acts work in concert to produce a certain result the presumption is strong that the actors were aiming at the result in question. Yes when it can be shown in addition that the actors have an interest in producing these results the presumptions become a fair certainty and then he says no conspiracy theory is required. So you see he has to disassociate he’s making a very intelligent conspiracy analysis  – and yet he’s got to disassociate and he’s got to genuflect himself by saying I’m not making a conspiracy theory. Indeed, no conspiracy theory is required, that’s right no conspiracy theory. A conspiracy analysis is being made and you just made it. I’ll tell you more he says because it’s really good he says on the other hand those who make blanket condemnation of conspiracy theories based their own view on a far-fetched theory. Namely that whatever those in high office actually do they are essentially men of goodwill so you have those people who who say there can’t be such conspiracies because our leaders are people of goodwill they have good intentions and that’s the way they are. I return to that point later according to this school of special pleading – the King can do no wrong doctrine suitably updated it is entirely proper to praise an American president for skillfully engineering some desirable result but to ascribe to him the same skillful engineering of an indefensible one is to fall victim to political paranoia and conspiratorial fetishism. I mean that’s not to believe that he’s saying that’s the way these people think that when the president does something craftily and succeeds is a victory for  everybody and that was good political leadership that’s what that was but if you say he would use craft and guile and skill to perpetrate unsavory ends like starting a war of aggression then that’s conspiracy theory. There are these other two words he mentioned one of the other two words if they don’t you see it in the press regularly if they don’t say you’re suffering from conspiracy theory they’ll say you’re being paranoid or you’re being cynical. The cynical view that’s the other term that’s sometimes used by multi-millionaire Allen Dulles who was head of the CIA director. John Foster was keenly aware of the need to stoke popular fears and manipulate people to serve the few in order to mobilize support for the enormous costs of empire and he wrote about it as follows after he got out of office. A lot of these guys you know have become a lot better when they’re out of office, they start saying certain things and they act human. Jimmy Carter is another example, you know he starts talking much better.

So he wrote this in one of his memoirs: “In order to bring a nation to support the burdens of maintaining great military establishments, it is necessary” to blow up the twin towers. No, I added it.

let me start all over right: “In order to bring a nation to support the burdens of maintaining great military establishments it is necessary to create an emotional state akin to war psychology.” This is war as Tom Brokaw said. “There must be a portrayal of external menace. Once that ideology has been perpetrated, a long way on the path to war.”


Sound familiar?


“The entire U.S ruling class ruling Elite comes to see terrorism as the preferred means indeed the only means to provide social cohesion to provide an enemy image for the society to keep it together according to neocon Theory from Carl Schmidt you have to have an enemy image in order to have a society it’s a very dangerous thing because now it means that the entire social order the political parties intellectual life politics in general all based on a monstrous myth” Webster Tarpley Historian Zeitgeist movie


By the way that joke about twin towers was not really a joke, but you can’t talk about some stuff.


Just like religions have their dogmas that can’t be questioned so our society which is also a form of religion have their own dogmas that can’t be questioned, they are called conspiracy theories like Kennedy magic bullet and 9/11.


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