A Critique of Realism. So critique of reality and idealism so how Western intellectuals rationalisation of the world of native created by propaganda.

First part of this video describes realism very well. I would argue it’s closest to my view of geopolitics and how the world is run. Second part is its criticism, of course I do not agree with it.



“how was the war on terror one the entire U.S ruling class ruling Elite comes to see terrorism as the preferred means indeed the only means to provide social cohesion to provide an enemy image for the society to keep it together according to neocon Theory from Carl Schmidt you have to have an enemy image in order to have a society it’s a very dangerous thing because now it means that the entire social order the political parties intellectual life politics in general all based on a monstrous myth monstrous myth” Webster Tarpley Historian Zeitgeist movie


“that’s state fundamentally what about individual you know like nots non-state well by far the worst ones are the guys who are tearing Afghanistan to pieces now you find crazy more crazy Islamic fundamentalist around the them I don’t know about them where’d they get their power from your pocket you know they got six billion dollars or so it’s claimed from the United States and Saudi Arabia and through the 1980s now they’re tearing Afghanistan apart but it’s not our you know nothing like we did you know we’re only wonderful people so how where is this clash of civilizations between Islam in the West I don’t see it I mean Indonesia is a Islamic state DCs trying to undermine Indonesia I mean there’s a lot of rotten things in Indonesia like for example wages are about half the level of China which is not so munificent do you see us doing anything about that I mean I I think this is all for us you know I mean I don’t mean to say total for us like there must be a new paradigm you know something that people can build their careers on and write books about and so on and so forth which can then be turned into a device of controlling people that part is true and maybe this will work or if it doesn’t you try something else” -Chomsky

That’s where the split between realism and idealism is created like this guy in the first video criticizing realism mentioned. The issue lay in the fact that he is not anguinine, this is what Chomsky said in the video is linked. How there could be a clash of civilizations if we sanction and invade most secular Arab countries while being allied with Saudis you stone people to death and are one of the most radical Islamic states. It’s one big joke.


On that joke all that fake reality of the naïve which is created and is like saying JFK was killed by some lone assassin, Kuwaiti babies in incubators, Yugoslavia ethnic cleansing and rapes, 9/11, Iraqis WMD’s, Libya Islamic radicalism and rapes, Syria gassing people and now Russia ethnic cleansing and rapes etc…


All This started with the Clash of civilizations after the end of the cold war and they needed “only means to provide social cohesion is to provide an enemy image for the society to keep it together and according to neocon theory from Carl Schmidt you have to have an enemy image in order to have a society”. After that stopped working and people stopped being scared of terrorism, they needed a new scare, a new enemy this time it was Trump and Trump voters and nationalist which they also connected with Putin preventing Trump making any kind of deals with him and priming people for this narrative Putin is bad and evil. Putin and Russia stealing elections was all preparing people for today’s narrative. So that people will believe all this bullshit about Putin being pure evil. Then we got sickness, Covid and the enemy became unvaccinated but the sickness narrative stopped working. So they had to provoke war, I was jokingly  saying: that Putin with the first bomb falling on Ukraine killed by accident Convid. Because since war started all talk about sicknesses ended. Unvaccinated stop being an enemy now Putin’s Russia and anyone who dares to say something good about them. Just like they before wanted to censure and remove content that disputed the official sickness narrative, so now they are removing that disputed Russia narrative.


Prof. Noam Chomsky: Illegal but Legitimate: a Dubious Doctrine for the Times: “Intellectuals have the task of covering it up… administrations are in his words “schizophrenic””


And here is a small gem at the end that I found. I was a huge fan of Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins when I was young and when I was interested in God and existentialism. In my opinion they are very smart and knowledgeable people. I heard Hitchens’ opinion on Orwell which makes his blindness to reality even more surprising. Debate between Parenti person and speaker who is closest to my views of the world, so also realism with Christopher Hitchens deafening idealism and world of native created by propaganda. Just like in the first video it’s first part is the point of view of Parenti and the second part of the video is idealism defined by the author in the first video and by Christopher Hitchens in this debate. Debate is pretty old so it gives a good perspective of time and passing events let us judge by ourselves. Who was closer to the truth, Parenti and me so realism or Christopher Hitchens and author of first video so idealism.



“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”

― George Orwell


To understand our history we need to become realists and destroy the myth that America became world leader after WW2 by accident.


“In fact ladies and gentlemen I think a moment’s reflection would tell you that empires are products of deliberate contrivance of deliberate confection, planning calculation and manipulation. No social order can maintain itself in the long run, no social order can maintain itself without conscious human agency. In fact that’s why you have a state, the state is the conscious human agency of coercion to maintain a particular set of interests in order which doesn’t necessarily always look out for our interests. Americans have been taught that empires and imperialism are something that other countries do. When I was in the sixth grade my teacher said to us: “the United States is the only advanced country that does not have colonies”. We do not have colonies and we look on this, but we have this big map and there’ll be the United States and then these box inserts all around its sides. They’d be Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines, I’m really dating myself. These were not independent or were they even States, in fact Puerto Rico is still “gone” by the US. So we’d say to her: “Miss Myers what are these  blocks here, what are these aren’t these our colonies?” She said: “the United States does not have colonies. It has territories or possessions.“. So see that’s the magic of words, you wish away or you define a way all sorts of brutal histories and realities by just using a different word.” -Michael Parenti


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