SIMON WEBB — From Real History To Zionist Apologetics

Few YouTubers have done more to expose the fantasies and outright lies of especially the race industry than Simon Webb. Currently, his channel History Debunked has well over 180 thousand subscribers, and his videos are frequently flagged by people who can’t refute his arguments so resort to censorship. Their attempts have been largely unsuccessful although he has on occasion removed the odd video to keep the peace. Sadly though, Simon has an enormous blind spot, namely anything related to Zionism.

It is true that this is a subject that generates more than its fair share of idiocy, as evinced by the at times ludicrous number of anti-Semitic comments that pepper any discussion of it. Such comments are among other things used to smear with guilt by association all manner of media outlets and people, including those who have no interest in the Middle East, like Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, but it is manifestly not true that anyone who expresses a dissenting opinion is a raving anti-Semite.

Simon is currently on holiday in Israel, apparently at the behest of his wife for the usual religious/tourist reasons. On March 7, he uploaded a video about one of the most outrageous terrorist attacks of the Twentieth Century, the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem by Zionist terrorists that led to the deaths of 91 people. He compared this outrage with campaigns waged against British “Imperialism” in Cyprus, Malaya and Kenya implying that the latter were forgiven. 

He has a point regarding Kenya and the Mau Mau terrorist outrages. Here is an objective article about the Mau Mau uprising which includes some comment by the man sent in to suppress it and the role of African soldiers loyal to the Imperialist power in doing so. The Zionist terror campaign was very different though. In the first place, these were not “Israeli” freedom fighters because as Simon well knows, Israel did not exist until May 1948; these terrorists were not fighting to “liberate” their nation from their “oppressors” but to steal the land of another people.

The problem goes back a long way but when Theodor Herzl founded the modern Zionist movement he was ridiculed as a crank. The distinguished journalist Lucien Wolf alluded to The Zionist Peril writing in 1904 that European Jews were “a religious community of white men not essentially different from the European Roman Catholics and Protestants”.

Others had different ideas, and in 1917, the British Government issued the Balfour Declaration, which has been called the most remarkable political document in history, one which one nation promised to a second the land of a third that was part of the empire of a fourth.

While it is  true there were terrorist outrages on both sides, the Zionist campaign against the British Administration started in earnest in 1937. There were two major terror attacks on Arab markets in 1938 then the assassination of Lord Moyne in November 1944. And what were the British doing at this time? That’s right, they were fighting the Nazi menace in Europe, saving Jews, and making the world safe for democracy. In other words, Zionist terrorists started a war within a war. 

The bombing of the King David Hotel shortly after the war had absolutely no justification, but it was followed less than two years later by the Nakba, the great expulsion of the Palestinians who had already seen hundreds of their villages destroyed. The Zionists had a different name for it, they called it Israeli Independence Day.

A lot more could be written about this sordid affair, but it will suffice to say that the Jewish Virtual Library blames the British for the high death toll, not those who planted the bomb, including a future Prime Minister of Israel.

Normally, Simon Webb’s detractors are of a leftist persuasion; the disparaging comments on this video are from people who would normally applaud him.

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