Noam Chomsky on NATO(What is NATO, why other countries are scared of it and why the EU is not independent “…goodbye Europe… because it’s not violent enough.”)


“Well NATO is a us-run military force and it’s now becoming an international global US intervention force. The purpose of it, one purpose of it is to exactly as the quench questioner said to integrate Europe into the U.S. dominated military system. That’s what NATO was for in the first place. One goal of NATO from the very beginning was to block de Gaulle’s initiatives, to make sure that Europe would not move in an independent course and as the pretext for NATO disappeared namely the Russians we can now see what it’s all about. Now NATO has expanded, no Russians but it’s expanded to a global us run military intervention force in which Europe is absorbed. Now Europe is dragging its feet it’s not doing it enthusiastically enough and about a week ago there was an important article by Richard Haass he’s the head of the Council on Foreign Relations it’s kind of like the main non-governmental Foreign Relations establishment institution he’s a former high policymaker the title of the article which appeared in the London Financial Times if you want to look it up the title is goodbye Europe, it says: Europe is no longer playing its proper role as a major actor in world affairs because it’s not violent enough.” Meaning the point is Europe is refusing to provide sufficient military force for the U.S.-run global programs of controlling the world by force. So goodbye Europe you’re not violent enough, so we don’t want you anymore we’ll take somebody else. Actually he doesn’t really mean goodbye to Europe. It’s just chastising Europe for their failures to have an adequate commitment to violence but you still have to be absorbed in the U.S.-run system.” -Noam Chomsky


But European society was dumb down and indoctrinated slowly through the passing of time by American culture and propaganda to such a level that they became easily controlled, so they can be made to believe bullshit like the Nord stream and Putin=Hitler narrative. To the point they will shoot themselves in the foot with what the EU did. Germany wanted to make the EU independent of the American Empire. But at the same time it wanted to make the EU independent they also wanted to abuse new EU partners, i.e., Intermarium countries. Still it would work but at the same time they started screwing over old EU members. EU members understood Germany is getting too strong and the EU is not becoming independent from the US but was just switching its dependence to Germany.


So far EU society was in the best economic situation in the world similar to Japan, Korea, Australia, Canada and were also part of the American Western Alliances. Since stupid Americans had low standards of living because they spent so much on the military to support their empire and their companies,The EU empire with its corporations and interests benefited from this. The US started its wars and its soldiers died and millions of dollars were spent, instead of going to social services for the benefit of its people, preferred to bsustain its empire and its companies, while instead our the EU and its companies also benefited while we supported a better living standards since it did not have to spend so much on the military, indeed, American idiots were defending for our interests for free. That is why the US is pissed at the EU about not spending money on the military.

The whole point of this conflict was the same as the whole point of NATO to make sure “that Europe would not move in an independent course” by destroying Germany’s grip on the EU which threatened US control. Germany is getting the most screwed by this conflict; their whole superiority relied on strong economic cooperation with Russia which gave them economic leverage over the whole of the rest of the EU. But because they were using that leverage too much for their own benefit at the cost of the rest of the EU, even old countries in the EU suffered. Stuff that happened regarding Ukraine happened. To make sure Germany will no longer threaten US superiority and US world order.


At the same time Korea, Japan, EU and all countries that had better standards of living than the US because they were benefiting for free from the American empire now will have to spend more on their militaries depriving money to their citizens. After they have dumb down to American level. How else will you make a person believe this irrational bullshit we have in the media like the mystery of Nord Stream not to mention 9/11. People need to be conditioned not to be able to rationally think. Like they said in zeitgeist they don’t want you to think and be educated. They want you to be indoctrinated to have blind patriotism saying we are good guys, like Orwell wrote:”All that was required of them was a primitive patriotism which could be appealed to whenever it was necessary to make them accept longer working-hours or shorter rations. And even when they became discontented, as they sometimes did, their discontent led nowhere, because being without general ideas, they could only focus it on petty specific grievances. The larger evils invariably escaped their notice.” -Orwell 1984


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