Minnesota Bar Owner Faces $350,000 In Fines For Defying State COVID-19 Restrictions

A Minnesota bar owner lost her business, liquor and food service licenses, and is facing up to $350,000 in fines for violating a governor’s executive order. But the Minnesota Attorney General’s lawsuit doesn’t list any actual harm caused by her actions.

I didn’t break the law; I defied the executive order,” Lisa Monet Zarza told The Epoch Times.

Zarza’s attorney, Richard Dahl of Brainerd, Minnesota, did not respond to a request for comment by The Epoch Times. Nor did the Minnesota Attorney General’s office.

The lawsuit was filed in Minnesota District Court in Dakota County. It alleges that Lionheart LLC, doing business as Alibi Drinkery of Lakeville, Minnesota, opened for business illegally from Dec. 16–30, 2020.

Gov. Tm Walz had ordered bars, restaurants, and other businesses closed to stem the spread of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus.

It was one of a series of executive orders issued from March 2020 to June 2021 after Walz declared a “peacetime emergency.” A review of available data by The Epoch Times indicates Walz’s orders likely accomplished nothing toward controlling the spread of the CCP virus.

Zarza said that she and her business partner had complied with all state mandates up to that point. They closed for the initial two-week period in March 2020 to “flatten the curve.” They offered take-out service and outdoor dining as much as they could.

Zarza said Alibi Drinkery never reported an issue and was never connected to any COVID cases.

We closed exactly how they said,” she said.

The peacetime emergency declaration, approved by the legislature, allowed Walz to issue edicts with the power of law. One of those was Executive Order 20-99.

It was issued on Nov. 19, 2020, in response to a spike in positive tests for the virus in the state.

Read More: Minnesota Bar Owner Faces $350,000 In Fines For Defying State COVID-19 Restrictions


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