The Divas of Davos

This year’s gathering in Davos, Switzerland for the 53rd World Economic Forum (WEF) brought together nearly 3,000 attendees, including world leaders, businessmen, activists and everyone in between.

The forum’s theme this year was “Cooperation in a Fragmented World” and numerous presenters spoke about political, social, military, and economic events taking place around the globe. Many of the points made were harmless and run-of-the-mill stuff expected at such a forum.

WEF President Børge Brende spoke of unity, saying, “In an uncertain and challenging time, one thing is clear. We can shape a more resilient, sustainable and equitable future, but the only way to do so is together.”

António Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN warned of climate change: “Without further action, we are headed to a 2.8C increase. The consequences, as we all know, would be devastating.”

Chancellor of Germany Olaf Shulz said, “The 2020s will be years of change, renewal and rebuilding. We will not walk this path alone…the European Union seeks to ensure that the course is set for climate neutrality by 2050 in Europe, too.”

Pedro Sanchez, Prime Minister of Spain said, “Our present struggle is not only against [Russian President Vladimir] Putin or the energy shortage. It is also against fear, mistrust, selfishness, xenophobia, and environmental disaster.”

These are fine words, although they will most likely not lead to any significant or meaningful action.

But other speakers were mocked as being downright elitist, hypocritical, and delusional.

Al Gore, former Vice President of the US during the Clinton administration, ranted about climate change and some observers suggested he went off the rails.

Former US Secretary of State John Kerry, climate czar in the current Biden administration, demonstrated in his speech just how bizarre he and his cohorts are. Kerry was widely quoted as telling his audience they were part of a “select group of human beings” and that an “extraterrestrial” force brought them to Davos to “save the planet.”

Read More: The Divas of Davos

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