Living in a Fascist Country

The move towards the Great Reset started many years ago. Here, below, is a small taste of the advice I included in my book Living in a Fascist Country which was published in 2006 – that is now 17 years ago.

‘Everyone must report cash transactions to the police. If you buy a car with cash, pay for a holiday with cash, buy furniture with cash then you will be considered a possible money launderer and reported to the authorities. The people accepting your cash must report you or they will face prison.

Remember that banks cooperate with the authorities. If they think any of your transactions are suspicious (and that’s a very subjective thing) they will tell the Government. If you sell your car for more than £3,000 and pay in the proceeds as cash you will be reported to the authorities as a possible criminal.

America has introduced regulations (which are, of course, now slavishly followed by the British authorities and by British banks) which are said to be designed to catch money launderers, criminals and terrorists. (They aren’t, of course, but that’s what they say they are for.)

If a bank thinks you might be guilty of something they must send either a Suspicious Transaction Report or a Suspicious Activity Report to the authorities. They will not tell you that they have submitted one of these reports. Even if the teller is your best friend they will not tell you. They are not allowed to.

What counts as a suspicious transaction?

a) A refusal to provide identification. A bank can ask you for as much identification as it wants. If you decline to give information you will instantly be branded as either a terrorist or a money launderer.

b). Refusing to offer an explanation. If a snotty, spotty bank employee asks you why you want money or where money has come from you are obliged to tell them. Otherwise they will probably file a Suspicious Activity Report or a Suspicious Transaction Report.

c) Running a bank account with a third party – particularly one who is absent. So, for example, if you run a bank account for an aged relative who can’t get to the bank then there is a good chance that the bank will regard you both as potential terrorists or financial criminals.

d) If you put more money into your bank account than you would normally earn then your bank may well snitch on you. So, if you win money at the dog track or sell an old painting for a tidy sum, and are then silly enough to put the money into your account, you will attract attention.

e) Not knowing or being ignorant of charges, rates or taxes will brand you as a financial criminal. (Yes, I know it’s stupid. I know that no one – not even bank employees – can keep up with all the charges. And I know that financial criminals are likely to be completely au fait with all the rules.)

Read More: Living in a Fascist Country

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