Buying guide to select the right floor cleaner

Cleanliness is necessary for your reputation, safety, and health. People have become more conscious about the importance of cleanliness in health that’s why companies have adopted dramatic measures to improve their sanitation decorum. It’s essential to provide a clean area to do business, work, shop, and eat, and almost every company is striving to achieve sanitation protocols. This drive has persuaded several companies to start searching for other techniques that give deep cleaning. A simple mop won’t be enough for your business. As the demand has accelerated, the need has increased, and also the meaning of clean has transformed. 

When you’re searching for floor cleaning machine that fulfills the requirements of your business, you will find lots of options. Do you require a ride-on or a walk-behind machine? Do you require a sweeper or a scrubber? To help you solve your confusion, we are sharing a buying guide to help you choose the right cleaning equipment for your facility. 

When you’re searching for a ride-on scrubber vs a walk-behind scrubber, they both may look the same at first. In large areas, ride-on machines are perfect as they not just lessens the cleaning time but also reduces labor costs. On the other hand, walk-behind cleaning machines are usually ideal for cleaning small facilities or areas. The price of a walk-behind machine is less than the ride-on machine. 

If a walk-behind machine is used on a large area, its lifespan will shorten and you couldn’t get the long run benefits of labor savings. Also, it needs some physical effort that is hard to keep up over a large cleaning area. A ride-on machine is faster and thus better for large surfaces. Do consider the following key factors when selecting the right cleaning equipment for your facility. 

Scrub or sweep?

This should be your first consideration when purchasing a cleaner. See what you want to clean. Like if you’re cleaning bulky, light debris or wet or heavy debris, a sweeper is the right choice. Fine dirt or dust that gets in by foot, grease or floor marks are best cleaned with tennant scrubbers

Size of the cleaning area

Consider the size of the space that needs to be cleaned. It’s probably more efficient and cost-effective to clean large spaces with ride-on machines whereas small spaces are better cleaned with walk-behind equipment. 

Machine cost vs labor rate

You can find out the return on the investment on your cleaning machine by analyzing your labor savings. Here the tip is to select the cleaning machine that provides more return on the investment. 


Every machine needs maintenance to help it work effectively and efficiently. But, this factor should be considered when taking the purchase decision. It’s recommended to hire a single service team or person for the maintenance of your cleaning equipment. Prefer choosing a cleaning machine that requires less maintenance. 

Final verdict 

Getting the right equipment for your facility is essential. You need something that meets your requirements and comes within your budget. Hopefully, this buying guide will be helpful to you in finding the best floor cleaning machine. 

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