Video: Psaki Caught In Big Fat Lie About Encouraging Unlawful Protests Outside Justices Homes

Former White House propaganda chief Jen Psaki was caught out in a big fat lie Thursday when she claimed that she had never encouraged pro-abortion activists to protest outside the homes of Supreme Court justices.

In a speaking appearance at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics, Psaki was asked about that time she said she “encouraged” anti-abortionists to continue gathering outside the private homes of SCOTUS judges.

Chicago Thinker senior editor Daniel Schmidt confronted Psaki on the matter, prompting her to first deny that she ever said anything of the sort, and then when Schmidt noted he was directly quoting her, she suddenly remembered but claimed the fact he left out the word ‘peaceful’ from the quote was a mischaracterisation.

Psaki stated that she “never encouraged anyone to protest,” rather she “encouraged them to engage peacefully and to do it without violence.”

Schmidt then expertly pointed out that whether she used the term peaceful or not, encouraging people to protest outside the homes of judges with the intent of influencing them is illegal under the U.S. Code and subject to a fines and/or a year in prison.

Jen Psaki brazenly lies to @UChicago student journalist, @RealDSchmidt, denying she encouraged anti-lifers to illegally protest outside Supreme Court justices’ homes to influence SCOTUS abortion decision:

— The Chicago Thinker (@ThinkerChicago) May 19, 2022

Read More: Psaki Caught In Big Fat Lie About Encouraging Unlawful Protests Outside Justices Homes

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