Science’s quest for the genderless society

I HAVE a South American friend who insists that a new world order is coming to fruition soon. In her utopia, women will control everything and the men will own nothing and like it.

A world where men are all slaves and must answer to the whims of all women does sound vaguely tantalising. This scenario was described in a novel published several years ago entitled The Power where a futuristic dystopia is controlled by teenage girls having a biological ability to zap men with electric currents.

In this brave new world, young women seize the assets and means of production, assume global leadership and enslave the entire male population.

Though in the book such power is abused to torture men who step out of line, the allure of power in real life remains. So many young women reading glossy magazines who see that all-important image of the rail-thin model or celebrity in designer outfits feel dissatisfied with their reflections in the mirror. These emotions may, according to the NHS, amount to conditions such as body dysmorphia including preoccupation with parts of the anatomy one deems unacceptable. Body dysmorphia often manifests in eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa where sufferers feel ‘in control’ only when they are able to resist food.

A couple of years ago, a doctor in Michigan who specialises in treating trans people became temporarily gender dysphoric after applying too strong a dosage of oestrogen (HRT) cream. The story was reported in Pink News and the doctor lauded for highlighting the plight of those who had experienced this disorder.

In comparing his disgust with his newly feminised body parts to the feelings of gender dysphoric females, this doctor displayed a phenomenon which few in the scientific or medical communities will admit exists – the overlap between gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia in young women professing to be born the wrong gender.

Girls who reject femininity or self identify as male or ‘non-binary’ actually have a form of body dysmorphia. Rejecting their feminine body parts, for instance by flattening their chests, shows repulsion toward the areas they feel are not fit for acceptance. The trend of ‘binding’ to produce a flat, androgynous body is dangerous, cutting off the air supply and possibly causing permanent damage, but it is encouraged as a precursor to transitioning from female to male. 

In fact, transgendered people who were born women tend to suffer from eating disorders in an ‘extremely high proportion’, according to the Duke University Health System.

Read More – Science’s quest for the genderless society

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