Cult-owned-and-created Microsoft launches ‘inclusivity’ checker – another Woke joke

Microsoft Word has started offering ‘politically correct’ alternatives to some words and expressions, but a new “inclusive language feature” has left many users unimpressed.

The tech giant announced last year that it was working “to remove non-inclusive language commonly found within the technology and cybersecurity sectors.”

In line with that goal, the latest version of Microsoft Word in Office 365 has an additional editor tool that suggests “more inclusive” alternatives to commonly used words and phrases that might offend someone in relation to gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. When the new function is used, any potentially offensive words, like all other ‘errors,’ are underlined, allowing the writer to fix them if they wish.

According to media reports, the new tool suggests, for example, replacing “mankind” with “humankind” or “humanity,” and offers to change “maid” to the genderless “house cleaner” and, in a similar vein, “mistress” to “lover.” It recommends using “principal” instead of “headmaster” and “workforce” in place of “manpower.”

Read more: Cult-owned-and-created Microsoft launches ‘inclusivity’ checker – another Woke joke

‘Once in a THOUSAND years explosion’: Death toll is unknown on ash-choked Tonga after underwater volcano sparked deadly tsunami wiping out internet on island paradise – two die in Peru as waves smash Latin America and US West coast

An underwater volcano that erupted in Tonga was a ‘massive explosion’ that only happens ‘roughly every thousand years’ and was so large it was visible from space.

The explosion triggered a 7.4-magnitude earthquake and sent tsunami waves crashing into the coast of the Pacific island, leaving it covered in ash and cut off from aid.

In the US, waves of more than four feet were recorded on the California coast on Saturday, and tsunami-effect waves were recorded along the coast in Oregon, Washington, British Columbia in Canada, and Alaska.

Satellite images showed the spectacular eruption from space and despite the dire warnings, spectators flocked to the beaches to view the surging tsunami waves, while surfers threw caution to the wind to catch the powerful waves generated by the surge.

Tsunami-hit Tonga remained largely uncontactable on Sunday with telephone and internet links severed, leaving relatives in faraway New Zealand praying for their families on the Pacific islands as casualty reports had yet to come through.

Professor Shane Cronin, from the University of Auckland, is an expert in Tonga eruptions. ‘This is one of the massive explosions the volcano is capable of producing roughly every thousand years,’ he wrote in The Conversation.

Prof Cronin added: ‘We could be in for several weeks or even years of major volcanic unrest from the Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai volcano.’

Read more: ‘Once in a THOUSAND years explosion’: Death toll is unknown on ash-choked Tonga after underwater volcano sparked deadly tsunami wiping out internet on island paradise – two die in Peru as waves smash Latin America and US West coast

Djokovic takes flight as leaders & players attack ‘political agenda’

Novak Djokovic has left Australia after having his visa canceled over his Covid vaccination status – and tennis leaders and some of his fellow stars have given their reaction to the Australian Open champion’s ordeal.

Hours after a court upheld the decision by Minister for Immigration Alex Hawke to oust Djokovic from the country, the sporting icon was pictured walking through Melbourne’s Tullamarine Airport while wearing a mask.

Further photos purportedly showed border force officials escorting the world’s top male tennis player in a lounge ahead of his enforced return to Europe via Dubai.

The snaps provided a stark contrast to the self-portrait Djokovic supplied on social media on January 4, when the 34-year-old pictured himself looking happy with his luggage as he announced that he would be heading to the tournament with a medical exemption.

Read more: Djokovic takes flight as leaders & players attack ‘political agenda’

Thousands protest against tougher ‘Covid’ rules in France

More than 50,000 people protested against stricter Covid-19 measures in France on Saturday, as the upper house of parliament approved a bill introducing a vaccine pass.

Around 54,000 people protested across the country, including 7,000 who marched in the capital, according to the Interior Ministry.

Some held banners that read “Freedom”and “Democracy in danger.”

“I’m against the vaccine pass. I’m against mass vaccination – everyone must be free to choose,” a protester in Paris told Ruptly video agency.

Others showed support for unvaccinated Serbian tennis superstar Novak Djokovic, who was recently detained and slated for deportation in Australia for breaking health regulations. “Novak is kind of our standard-bearer at the moment,” a protester told AFP in Bordeaux.

The French Senate, the upper house of parliament, adopted an amended version of the vaccine pass bill the same day. The lower house, the National Assembly, is due to vote on the hotly debated bill on Sunday afternoon.

If adopted, the vaccine pass will replace the existing health pass required for entering establishments including cafes, restaurants, gyms and cinemas. The measure is aimed at incentivizing more people to get fully vaccinated.

Booster shots became necessary for the working health pass on Saturday. People who have received their second dose more than seven months ago, but have not received a booster, had their passes deactivated.

Read more: Thousands protest against tougher ‘Covid’ rules in France

Deaths among male teens increased by 53% following ‘Covid’ fake vaccination in 2021 and the death spikes correlate perfectly with the uptake of dose 1, 2 & 3

An investigation of Office for National Statistics data has revealed that since the Covid-19 vaccine began to be rolled-out to teenagers there has been a 53% rise in the number of deaths due to all-causes among males aged 15-19, and each spike in deaths correlates perfectly with a spike in administration of the first, second, and third doses of the Covid-19 injection to this age group.

Further investigation has also found that whilst Covid-19 deaths remained low among this age group following Covid-19 vaccination, they were still considerably higher than the negligible amount of deaths that had occurred before the Covid-19 vaccination was introduced.

Suggesting Covid-19 vaccination may have in fact had a negative effect on the immune systems of the teenage boys, or deaths may have been misattributed as Covid-19 deaths, as has been so easily done since March 2020, to cover up the fact that the Covid-19 injections may have played a roll in the deaths.

The above graph has been plotted from data found within the 2020 edition of ‘Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales’, which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the ONS website here, and the 2021 edition of ‘Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, which can be downloaded here, and accessed on the ONS website here.

The graph shows the number of deaths registered each week throughout 2020 and 2021 among teenage boys aged 15-19, and we can clearly see that from week 18 onwards in 2021 there was a noticeable rise in deaths due to all causes among teenage boys compared to 2020, with things taking a turn for the worse from week 23.

For instance in week 26, despite the Covid-19 virus allegedly reaking havoc throughout the UK, there were just 2 deaths registered among male teens aged 15-19 in England and Wales. But fast forward one year and we can see that there were 19 deaths registered among male teens aged 15-19 in England and Wales during week 26. That represents a 850% increase.

Read more: Deaths among male teens increased by 53% following ‘Covid’ fake vaccination in 2021 and the death spikes correlate perfectly with the uptake of dose 1, 2 & 3

Glen Youngkin Sworn In As Virginia Governor, Immediately BANS Critical Race Theory & Fake Vaccine Mandate

Virginia Governor Glen Youngkin (R) moved to ban critical race theory and federal COVID vaccine mandates in a series of executive orders hours after he was sworn in on Saturday.

“Parents should have a say in what is taught in school, because in Virginia, parents have a fundamental right to make decisions with regards to their child’s upbringing, education and care,” Youngkin said in his inaugural address. “To parents I say we respect you. And we will empower you in the education of your children.”

Governor @GlennYoungkin: “Parents SHOULD have a say in what is taught in schools.”

“Parents have a fundamental right to make decisions with regard to their child’s upbringing, education, and care.”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 15, 2022

Read more: Glen Youngkin Sworn In As Virginia Governor, Immediately BANS Critical Race Theory & Fake Vaccine Mandate