Imran Ahmed – the man who hates your freedom now seeks to demonise the thoroughly decent Robert Kennedy Jr. Is anyone ever going to ask this professional censor (for whom?) a challenging question like who the hell are you to dictate what everyone can see and hear? I’ve offered to debate him live anytime but he hasn’t got the guts. Throw mud and run is all he can do like all cowards

“If you can pepper people with enough misinformation…it’s going to compound the harm done to that community.”

Watch Here: Imran Ahmed – the man who hates your freedom now seeks to demonise the thoroughly decent Robert Kennedy Jr

Why Weren’t These Vaccines Put Through the Proper Safety Trials For Gene Technology, Asks a Former Pharmaceutical Research Scientist

We’re publishing today a piece by retired Pharmaceutical Research and Development Scientist Dr. John D. Flack, who is appalled that the gene-technology vaccines now being used for COVID-19 were not subject to the standard safety studies usually required for novel genetic-based medicines. Dr. Flack, a member of HART, was involved in pharmaceutical research throughout his career and served as Director of Safety Evaluation for a pharmaceutical company, so when it comes to safety studies of new drugs he knows what’s he’s talking about. Here’s an excerpt:

It seems to me that the regulatory authorities may have considered this new class of medicine as a vaccine and followed the toxicology guidelines for conventional vaccines. But as discussed above, they are not vaccines in the conventional sense. They are injections of a laboratory synthesised gene sequence – what in previous decades we would have called a new chemical entity (NCE). Furthermore, they are being given, not as a single dose, but because of their limited efficacy as repeated injections – called boosters. On the hoof, it seems, it is decided that extra doses must be given. How can this possibly be unless supported by the appropriate safety studies? And how convenient for the worldwide authorities regulating the approval of new medicines that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the USA modified the definitions of vaccine and vaccination – to allow for the new “ways in which vaccines can be administered” – to embrace this new technology that would be previously classed as an NCE. Sorry, but simply changing the definition of the term vaccine to fit the properties of these novel injections doesn’t obviate the need to conduct the appropriate studies by which their safety can properly be assessed. That is why I use the term vaccine in quotation marks or simply describe them as injections.

So how would I design a package of studies to assess the safety of these novel ‘vaccines’?

Here is a list of preclinical toxicology studies that in my view should have been performed before regulatory authorities gave their approval to the licensing of these novel therapies under the Government emergency powers:

Read More: Why Weren’t These Vaccines Put Through the Proper Safety Trials For Gene Technology, Asks a Former Pharmaceutical Research Scientist

Embarrassing Canadian capital leaders declare state of emergency over Freedom Convoy – a state of emergency over Canadian capital leaders and Trudeau would be better

Ottawa mayor seeks federal assistance, insisting anti-Covid-mandate protest is out of control

Ottawa mayor Jim Watson has declared a state of emergency, citing “serious danger and threat to the safety and security of residents,” as Freedom Convoy truckers and their pedestrian supporters continue to occupy the capital. The move comes after Watson lamented earlier on Sunday that police have been outnumbered by the demonstrators, and indicated he wants the federal government to help quash the protest.

“The situation at this point is completely out of control because the individuals with the protest are calling the shots,” Watson told Newstalk radio. “They have far more people than we have police officers and I’ve indicated to the chief that we have to be much more nimble and proactive when it comes to these activities.”

Before announcing the emergency, Watson pleaded with the federal government to “sit down and have some kind of a discussion, some kind of mediation to get this situation resolved because it’s now spreading across the country.”


Ottawa mayor Jim Watson declares state of emergency as demonstrations continue, citing “serious danger and threat to the safety and security of residents.”

— Courtney Theriault (@cspotweet) February 6, 2022

Read More: Canadian capital declares state of emergency over Freedom Convoy

A whistle-blower who was tortured in a Chinese prison for exposing Amazon’s horrific slave labour operations asks for an apology

A Chinese whistle-blower by the name of Tang Mengfing who says he was imprisoned and tortured by the communist regime after exposing Amazon for abusing its employees and treating them like slaves is now asking for an apology.

According to reports, Tang spent two miserable years under the heavy boot of oppression for reporting on substandard working conditions at factories where Alexa-enabled spy devices are manufactured.

Tang spent several years investigating the horrific working conditions at Foxconn factories, which produce Amazon Echo and Echo Dot devices as well as Kindle devices and various Apple products like the iPhone. He learned that school-aged children are forced to work extreme hours, often without pay.

“Tang alleged that school-aged children were put to work in the Foxconn factory, and that many were forced to work beyond the allotted 36 hours of overtime in a month, with some exceeding over 100 hours – essentially functioning as unpaid workers beyond their allotted hours,” reported The Post Millennial.

Tang was later punished for revealing all of this and more. He recently told The Guardian that during his imprisonment, he was beaten and tortured by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials, who appear to be working in lockstep with Jeff Bezos and other tech gurus to exploit children.

“My father always taught me that I should be a good person and, because I followed my heart and believed that justice should be served, I reported the serious violations at Hengyang Foxconn,” Tang is quoted as saying. “Yet my imprisonment has caused such great harm to me and my family.”

Read More: A whistle-blower who was tortured in a Chinese prison for exposing Amazon’s horrific slave labour operations asks for an apology

Ted Cruz Urges US Authorities to Investigate GoFundMe for Seizing Canadian Trucker Convoy Funds

GoFundMe has become the main crowdfunding platform for those wanting to support the Canadian truckers protesting against the country’s vaccination policies. In about two weeks, the protesters raised around $7.9 million, but the platform has frozen the collected money and since removed the protesters’ fundraising profile.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission with a demand to probe GoFundMe to determine “whether they’ve committed deceptive trade practices”, Fox News reported on Sunday.
The senator told the broadcaster that “when people gave money, they gave money under the promise it would go to the Freedom Convoy, not to whatever left-wing political ideology GoFundMe and other Silicon Valley companies support”.
Cruz claimed that the protesters were defending not only Canada, but “America as well”.

Disturbed Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson described the presence of children playing in bouncy castles at the Freedom Convoy demonstration as ‘disturbing’

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson described the presence of children playing in bouncy castles at the Freedom Convoy demonstration as “disturbing” in a video interview with CTV News on Sunday.

Watson is 60, unmarried, and without children.

Ottawa residents living near the demonstration on Parliament Hill and nearby downtown areas are enduring “a living hell,” Watson claims. He emphasized that they “have been through hell.”

He stated, “It’s disturbing when you see the protest turning into what looks like some kind of a fun carnival, where they’ve got bouncy castles and hot tubs and saunas, a complete insult to the people who are putting up with this nonsense for the last seven days, and it shows great deal of insensitivity.”

Breitbart News recorded video of a bouncy castle with playing children on Saturday. Dozens of children were observed with parents attending the demonstration on and around Wellington Street adjacent Canada’s federal legislature.

CBC, the left-wing state-funded broadcaster, reported on the presence of saunas and bouncy castles at the protest.

“They shouldn’t be bringing in hot tubs, and they shouldn’t be bringing bouncy castles,” Watson repeated. “That’s just ridiculous. That should have been stopped.”

Read More: Childless Ottawa Mayor: ‘Disturbing’ to See Kids in ‘Bouncy Castles’ Having ‘Fun’ at Protest

Brain-Dead CDC Signals Changes to ‘Covid’ Fake Vaccine Schedule to Address Heart Inflammation – the only change worth making is to STOP it

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Feb. 4 outlined an expected change to the COVID-19 vaccine schedule for people with weak immune systems and signaled that a different alteration is coming for the general population to try to cut the number of post-vaccination heart inflammation cases.

The CDC told its vaccine advisory panel that it’s planning to adjust guidance for people with compromised immune systems, a group that doesn’t respond as well to vaccines as the general population and is the only population that is advised to get four doses of the Moderna or Pfizer messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines.

Current CDC guidance for the immunocompromised says they should receive three doses of an mRNA vaccine within two months, and a fourth dose at least five months after the third dose.

The revised schedule would recommend the population get that fourth shot as soon as three months after their third one.

For recipients in the population who received the single-shot Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, the updated guidance says they should get a second dose at least 28 days after their vaccination, and a third dose as soon as two months later.

Read More: CDC Signals Changes to COVID-19 Vaccine Schedule, in Part to Address Heart Inflammation

Heart-Deleted Fascist Ottawa Police Seize Fuel From Freedom Convoy Protest Site And Make More Arrests

Police in Canada’s capital have begun to seize fuel and say they have made multiple arrests after issuing a statement saying that those trying to bring supplies to support the thousands of protesters opposed to COVID-19 mandates and restrictions gathered in the city would be arrested.

“IMPORTANT: Anyone attempting to bring material supports (gas, etc.) to the demonstrators could be subject to arrest. Enforcement is underway,” Ottawa police said in a statement on social media on Feb. 6 in the early afternoon.

In a statement issued at 9 p.m. local time, police said they have arrested seven people. The arrests were for mischief charges throughout the day.

Police also said they had seized multiple vehicles and fuel containers.

Protesters who spoke to The Epoch Times said police didn’t arrest them on Feb. 6 for carrying fuel, but gave them a warning that they would be facing arrest for bringing in fuel to the protest site starting on Feb. 7.

Earlier on Feb. 6, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency, which he said, “highlights the need for support from other jurisdictions and levels of government.”

Read More: Ottawa Police Seize Fuel From Freedom Convoy Protest Site, Make More Arrests

Critical AstraZeneca views ‘probably killed hundreds of thousands’ – scientist. No – not being critical ENOUGH of ALL the fake vaccines killed them and so many more

An Oxford scientist who worked on the AstraZeneca vaccine says he thinks scientists and politicians “probably killed hundreds of thousands of people” by damaging the reputation of the jab.

Speaking to the BBC, Professor Sir John Bell said: “They have damaged the reputation of the vaccine in a way that echoes around the rest of the world.”

“I think bad behaviour from scientists and from politicians has probably killed hundreds of thousands of people – and that they cannot be proud of.”

The rollout of the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab in the UK saw Government advisers recommending under-40s should be offered alternatives due a link to very rare blood clots.

Fears over links to blood clots also saw countries including Germany, France, Spain, Italy, The Netherlands, the Republic of Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Bulgaria, Iceland and Thailand pause their use of the jab.

The vaccine has also not played a significant role in the booster campaign. The BBC reported it accounted for only 48,000 of the more than 37 million booster doses given in the UK.

Read More: Critical AstraZeneca views ‘probably killed hundreds of thousands’ – scientist

ICUs Empty of ‘Covid’ Patients

The number of patients being admitted to ICU for Covid in the U.K. (excluding Scotland) fell to as little as two in one day last month, according to data from the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC). MailOnline has more.

Although the figures may be slightly higher after being revised for a time lag, [ICNARC]’s Head Statistician said towards the end of January, admissions would still be “in the region of 20-30 per day”.

Speaking to the Sunday Times, Sir David Spiegelhalter, said: “The Omicron wave saw a huge rise in cases, and a moderate rise in hospitalisations.

“Since more than half of ICU admissions have not been vaccinated, this suggests an intrinsically milder virus rather than just increased protection from vaccination.’”

In contrast to January last year, when more than 400 patients were admitted into ICU for Covid in one day at a peak of the new wave, recent figures seem to suggest that Omicron, in most cases, is a milder strain.

The new report from ICNARC also found that the “percentage of patients admitted to critical care with confirmed COVID-19 that were unvaccinated decreased from 75% in May 2021 to 47% in October 2021” but increased to 61% in December.

According to the latest ONS data, the risk of death involving coronavirus, when age-adjusted, is consistently lower for those who have had at least three vaccine doses compared with unvaccinated people.

On February 3rd there were 478 patients in mechanically ventilated beds; this figure was above 4,000 in January last year.

Read More: ICUs Empty of Covid Patients