Christians Are Being Hounded From Their Jobs by the Perpetually Offended

There is an outright onslaught on Christianity in the Western world. The faith on which our civilisation was built is being mocked and regarded with contempt. This is painfully visible in the U.K. which suffers possibly the highest number of incidents of intolerance against Christians in the Western world.

It did not start out like that. The inclusion of ‘religion and belief’ as one of the ‘protected characteristics’ in the 2010 Equality Act should have boded well for Christians. But what emerged instead was a hierarchy of protected characteristics with Christianity at the bottom of the list.

This became apparent in research which Voice for Justice U.K. carried out into the experiences of Christians in British society. Christians were subjects of mockery, discrimination and harassment, kept in place by threats of job loss often supported by anti-discrimination law.  Freedom of speech and conscience had been abandoned as Christians found they had to censor themselves, in schools, in their workplace, even within their church. If Christians expressed their views on sex and marriage they could find themselves on the wrong side of anti-discrimination policies.

Read more: Christians Are Being Hounded From Their Jobs by the Perpetually Offended

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