Rachel Reeves will declare war on Britain’s planning system today.
Vowing to take the ‘difficult decisions’ needed to boost economic growth, the new Chancellor will use her first major speech to reveal that the Government is beginning its assault on the planning rules.
Before MPs break for the summer at the end of the month, councils will be issued with mandatory targets to clear the way for hundreds of thousands of new homes.
Ms Reeves will today declare that, with the public finances already stretched, boosting Britain’s sluggish economic growth is the ‘only route to improving the prosperity of our country’.
The post Rachel Reeves: ‘I’ll rip up rules on planning within days’ – Labour’s new Chancellor announces ‘growth mission’ which could see thousands of homes built on Green Belt land. They can do this even though the great majority voted for someone else. We are living in a tyranny masquerading as a ‘free country’ appeared first on David Icke.