Oliver Stone – Ukraine on Fire and my view on Ukraine and on Realism.

Ukraine On Fire

Ukraine. Across its eastern border is Russia and to its west-Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black S

I want to share the story as I see it. I have written many times that Western Slavs were German colonies.


“With the fall of the Iron Curtain, Germany seized the opportunity to reunify, despite vehement opposition from English and French politicians. Germany once again became the center of gravity in Europe, with the way to the East open. Money started to flow, and Germany integrated much of Eastern Europe into its supply chains. You can sometimes hear analysts say that Central and Eastern Europe is a German colony.”

Who Will Dominate Eastern Europe?/John Mearsheimer | The NEW WORLD ORDER(Europe history, power politics, realistic politics and NUKES)


Later in that video, the speaker tries to refute this idea, but I disagree with him. Yes, Slavs were a German colony, especially Poland. Everything was going great for Germany as long as it was oppressing and colonizing Slavs—none in Western Europe cared. However, when Germany tried to oppress the rest of Europe by, for example, declaring nuclear energy as not green (because France and England were leading in nuclear energy), it faced pushback. Germany was getting cheap gas from Russia and used its power over the EU to overregulate all other energy sources besides gas, forcing other countries to buy gas from them. If successful, Germany would make the whole EU dependent on gas from Russia, thus increasing its already significant power over Europe.

As George Friedman explained in one of my posted videos:

“For the United States, the primordial fear is German capital and German technology, combined with Russian manpower and Russian natural resources. That is the only combination that has for centuries scared the hell out of the United States.”

Looking through that lens, what Germany did by trying to make the EU reliant on gas from Russia was not what the US wanted. As Friedman said, the US feared German and Russian cooperation. That’s why you also have that short video of Condoleezza Rice complaining: 


But Merkel didn’t listen and opposed the US. That’s why you have: US Security Agency spied on Merkel.

I want to remind people that when Nord Stream 1 was created, it was opposed by the US, some Western EU countries, and every Baltic state and some other Slavic states. Despite all that opposition, it was still created. Germany didn’t care that they were overstepping in the eyes of the US. So the US needed to do something, and here come the Slavic states, which were being used by Germany. Germany was getting rich at the cost of Eastern Europe by using them as colonies. The US approached the Slavic states and proposed breaking up German and Russian cooperation.

The Polish foreign minister at the time, Radosław Sikorski, was not in favor of it. He didn’t care about Poland; he was an internationalist. However, since Lech Kaczyński from the Law and Justice (PiS) party, who was the leader of the party and president of Poland, instructed him to make a deal with the US against Germany, he reluctantly agreed. We have wiretaps of Polish politicians where Sikorski said:

“You know, the Polish-American alliance is worthless. In fact, it’s harmful, because it gives Poland a false sense of security. [. . .] Total bullshit. We’ll come into conflict with Germany and Russia, and we’ll think that everything is cool because we gave the Americans a blowjob. Suckers. Absolute suckers.”

Source: Daily Mail

How wrong he was; he underestimated the power of the US. It started with Georgia. Lech Kaczyński spoke against Russia.


Now we know Georgia attacked Russia, not the other way around: Georgia started war with Russia.

I assume the Polish president and the rest of them knew it was just the beginning of the plan to destroy German and Russian relations. Lech Kaczyński was problematic for Germany because of the war in Georgia. It made it harder for Germany to make deals with Russia. But despite that, they pushed Nord Stream through. Lech Kaczyński was in open opposition to it, as he and the rest of the Slavic states saw the creation of Nord Stream as a move that would allow Germany and Russia to oppress Slavic states further and put the rest of the Slavs in a bad position. So Kaczyński had to go. I assume it was Germany; Russia is not so stupid to do it on its own territory but who knows. However, it could also have been the US. Anyway, the death of Lech Kaczyński could not go to waste, so they used it to turn the Polish population against Russia, even though Poland was already the most Russophobic country in the world, not without reason!

We have a problem in Poland because sometimes Poland has a government from the Civic Platform (PO), which is a simple German puppet. Its leader, Volksdeutsche Donald Tusk, is unfortunately ruling right now. After PiS lost power in 2007 and PO came back into power, Radosław Sikorski stayed as Foreign Minister and quickly started to undo what he had done before under orders from PiS and the US. That’s why you have this gem:


The Polish Foreign Minister was filmed telling a Ukrainian protest leader that if the opposition didn’t support a peace deal, they could all die. Sikorski said: “If you don’t support this [deal], you’ll have martial law, you’ll have the army. You will all be dead.”

He was pushing anti-Russia sentiment in Ukraine on orders from PiS and the US, preparing Ukraine for what is now happening. But when the PO party (the German puppets) got back into power, Sikorski tried to stop what was happening in Ukraine and prevent the US plan. That’s why he was telling Ukrainian protest leaders to stop, while those leaders were paid by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), which is essentially the CIA.

Then we get another great gem:


All this is just one big game, as described in The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzeziński. Of course, Brzeziński is Polish. All this is realpolitik. It was well described in one of the videos I posted, which, interestingly enough, tries to argue against realpolitik but, in my opinion, makes a great case for it.

A Critique of Realism. So critique of reality. Idealism so how Western intellectuals rationalisation of the world of native created by propaganda.



“Realism is a school of international studies in which people attempt to create a system of analysis that allows for predictive models of geopolitical developments despite one’s biases. It strives to create an objective framework from which to interpret geopolitics.


Realism is a method of seeing and analyzing geopolitics and is not driven by any sort of idealism or higher-minded morality. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Realism seeks to ground itself through three guiding principles: that men are self-interested and power-seeking, that ethics and what ought to be are not good tools to make or predict state policy, and that the natural condition of international relations is a state of anarchy.


In many ways, shapes, and forms, realism has existed for a very long time. To justify their starting assumptions, realists often appeal to human nature and, in particular, to history. One such example is Thucydides’ famous account of the Peloponnesian War. Thucydides describes it as a confrontation between an honor-bound and idealist Sparta with the strongest land army and Athens, a sea power with a practical and cynical approach to diplomacy and war, who distinctly argued that morality has never triumphed over self-interest and superior strength.”

“Ukraine, a new and important space on the Eurasian chessboard, is a geopolitical pivot because its very existence as an independent country helps to transform Russia. Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire.”
― Zbigniew Brzeziński, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its


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