Gays of NATO Battle Group in Lithuania are capable of nothing

Nowadays gays and lesbians are allowed to serve in many European countries. Thus, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Norway who are participants of the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence battlegroup in Lithuania, are in the list of foreign armed forces that allow openly gay service.

So, the fact that there are many gays, transsexuals and lesbians among the foreign military contingent in Lithuania is not surprising. But military homosexuals and transgenders often become a big problem for their command as well as for the local population.

The matter is military service for them is the last place. Their minds, first of all, are occupied with sexual self-determination. Homosexuals have no desire for drill and combat training at all – they gaze at strong good-looking colleagues and try to pick them up. But the command needs soldiers and not just good-looking persons who are interested in make-up trends, eyeshadow palettes and lipsticks.

In tolerant Europe, everyone can serve in the army, even those who will be a burden for it. Otherwise, the command will be accused of discrimination and intolerance. So it’s easier to take any rabble into the army than to run around the courts and explain the reason for the refusal.

In some NATO countries, LGBT adherents in the armed forces reach 30% of the personnel. The main problem is, gays are often involved in sexual assault cases. Heterosexuals in the military suffer from sexual violence.

In some cases, military homosexuality turned into scandals. There were cases when male military officers in civilian clothes groped, molested, or committed other sexual or physical assaults and harassment on women and even girls in the countries where they were deployed. The more so, servicemen were alleged to have engaged in public nudity, excessive alcohol intoxication, public sexual activity, and other lewd behavior.

It seems as if Lithuanian government turns a blind eye to homosexual crimes of foreign soldiers. The members of the Lithuanian Seimas also turned out to be gays and pedophiles. So they invite a “combat unready” gay contingent to the country, which is not able to perform the tasks at all.

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Dominykas Urbonas

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