Truth and Lies about war in Iraq and war in Libya, my theory.


This is my theory regarding both the wars in Iraq and war in Libya. I wrote this During conflict in Libya.

Wars in IRAQ AND LIBYA, those wars were not because those governments were opposing the US government or treated their citizens bad. That’s true that they did oppose the US but as we can see from other countries that also do this, they were not forcefully overthrown. My theory is that in all those 3 examples force was used not because they were opposing US superiority and influence in the area but because they opposed something more important for the US government PETRODOLLAR. In the case of the first war in IRAQ, IRAQ opposed OPEC when they asked them to change the amount of oil produced. OPEC is a puppet of the US used to control the price of oil by which the US controls the price of dollars. OPEC on behalf of the US told IRAQ to change the amount of oil produced, because the US wanted to change the price of dollars. IRAQ refused saying it’s not worthwhile for them to produce OIL if price is too low and since they have huge reserves of capital they can afford to reduce or even stop producing OIL for some time. The US knew they needed to do something about it since they needed to control dollar price.  But they can’t invade IRAQ because they don’t want to produce OIL. So they ask KUWAIT to drill under the IRAQ border and extract OIL from IRAQ oil fields. Because let be honest KUWAIT was not stupid they knew they can’t fight IRAQ, and they would have to if they would start to steal their OIL. So I am sure they did it on behalf of the US and only because they got assurance from the US that they will protect them militarily from IRAQ. The US knew that if IRAQ invaded KUWAIT it would give them an excuse to invade IRAQ and make them obey OPEC. So we had KUWAIT extract OIL under the border from the IRAQ oil field. Which forced IRAQ to invade them. Then we got a bullshit story about kids thrown from incubators and we end up with the US invading IRAQ. After US forces slaughter enemy forces and civilians. To give you a quick explanation how this conflict went we bombed their whole infrastructure. For almost a month we bombed the whole Iraq. There was no electricity, water, or any canalisation etc… even in hospitals. Bombing all the stuff, people dying soldiers, civilians don’t matter. We did it before even our soldiers had entered their country. Then I will give you one image of how that war looked: “Highway of Death ” google it or better check official count, estimated count and google images. And you got proof of how the rest of the covrage of this conflict looked like. After that first war with the IRAQ, IRAQ promised to obey OPEC. That’s the story of the first IRAQ war. Now we come to the second war in IRAQ, this time instead of reducing production of OIL, IRAQ opposed PETRODOLLAR in a different way. IRAQ said they will no longer sell OIL in dollars, instead they will sell their OIL in EUROs. This would also influence the price of dollars. So again the US was forced to use force to do something about it and we end up with a bullshit story of WMD’s and end up with another war in IRAQ. Now we are at war in LIBYA. Same story as the second war in IRAQ difference was that LIBYA decided to sell OIL instead of EUROs, they wanted to sell OIL in gold. Effect would be the same as it would influence the price of dollars and make it more difficult for the US to control dollar price through OPEC. So the US was forced to use force again. Fortunately for the US this time they were able to do it not by using the army but rebels. But we all know it was a US war. My theory is that opposing US superiority and influence in the area is not enough for the US to forcefully overthrow any country. They will sanction that country and use the CIA and other forces to change their government. But if anyone threatens PETRODOLLAR, this US can not afford it and they will use force to fix it as soon as possible. The only exception from this rule is in VENEZUELA. I guess since they are able to stop them from selling OIL and they got enough control over other OIL production so they can not infuance PETRODOLLAR. Because of that they don’t need to use force to overthrow them. That’s my theory.


Iraq disobeying OPEC


Kuwait drilling


Husain selling oil in EURO


Gaddafi’s Gold Dinar selling oil in gold.


Regarding Venezuela, recently I asked myself if the US is treating Venezuela as their own tactical oil reserves in case of war. Since Venezuela is in South America so it’s secure from other powers trying to use it thanks to The Monroe Doctrine. So thanks to The Monroe Doctrine and sanctions they can be sure Venezuela oil reserves will not be depleted and are secure. Now imagine we entered a big global conflict sort of WORLD WAR. The US can not be sure they will be able to secure OIL reserves in the Middle East since they are too far, but how about Venezuela? What problem would the US have in case of world conflict to invade and secure Venezuela oil reserves as their own. So I think the US treats and sees Venezuela as a sort of emergency US oil reserves in case of war. Thanks to sanctions they can be sure Venezuela will not extract and sell oil in big quantities so they can be sure their reserves will not be depleted.


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