Analysts Raise Alarm: Election ‘Wholly Manufactured by CIA’

While Americans endure a horrible economy, reckless wars, attacks on the family, record crime, and historical political corruption, they got to see the party in power thrive in an election.

Analysts across the nation are now raising alarm over how this could have happened, some going so far as saying last night felt “wholly manufactured” by Langley.

“It seriously feels like we are watching the first wholly manufactured election in our history, in which all of the key competitive races have had the results directly programmed by Langley,” said ‘Publius 2.0′ in a guest post on The Gateway Pundit. “[Despite all of what Americans are currently suffering], the Democrat monolith is barely dented.”

“Either the country has large states filled with brainwashed zealots who are too stupid and mindless to comprehend the reality of the collective damage they are ratifying with votes for at best lackluster at worst appallingly unimpressive if not foolish candidates…. or we are seeing direct black box voting manipulation.

Final tabulations are being perpetrated on a scale that renders typical ballot and voter fraud schemes unnecessary anachronisms as the decisive votes that have now kept the ruling junta largely intact. At worst they are literal fabrications piled onto Democrat vote totals by a few keystrokes entered in some master election hacking operation run by intelligence community criminals in a league with and part of the Democrat Crime Syndicate.”

Indeed, yesterday’s voting environment was rife with anomalies and irregularities related to voting machines, in incidents that thoroughly vindicate Mike Lindell’s warnings since 2020.

But maybe Publius’ first point on “brainwashed” Americans is right. Does the Deep State REALLY need to directly manipulate the voting process in such a high-tech, sophisticated manner?

Haven’t they already programmed the values of the masses & primed their sentiments in a manner that can only be described as mind control?

Perhaps a more unsettling takeaway on the soul of our country is that Americans with values that align with what was considered “normal” a few decades ago are vastly outnumbered by people who are fine with things like: illegals benefiting from our Bill of Rights, parents OK with their daughters getting thrashed by boys in sports, and biometric tyranny under the guise of safety, to name a few.

In a series of tweets, podcaster Scott Greer illustrates how popular values translate to voting:


“How could people not vote Republican?” I ask as I watch an NFL game paying tribute to George Floyd

— Scott Greer 6’2” IQ 187 (@ScottMGreer) November 9, 2022

Read More: Analysts Raise Alarm: Election

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