Peer-Reviewed Study: 94% Of Fake Vaccinated Patients With Subsequent Health Issues Have Abnormal Blood

Physicians in Italy studied the blood of patients who had been injected with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and found foreign matter long after vaccination, a new study shows.

The three doctors, all of whom are surgeons—Franco Giovannini, M.D., Riccardo Benzi Cipelli, M.D., and Giampaolo Pisano, M.D.—examined freshly drawn blood of more than a thousand patients using direct observation under microscopes to see what was happening in the blood.

Their results were published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research in August 2022.

For this study, the Italian doctors used optical microscopy, that is, regular light microscopes, to examine the blood. Blood cells are easily visible under a microscope. Their shape, type, and how and if they are aggregated—clumped together—can help the skilled physician better understand the patient’s health.

In their 60-page peer-reviewed study, the Italian researchers reported case studies from their observations. Although they could not explain what they observed, they noted in the study that what they saw was so strange that they felt the need to alert the medical community.

Dark-Fi-eld Microscopy

The light or optical microscope uses visible light and a series of lenses to magnify small images.

Unlike electron microscopy, light microscopy provides a direct image of what is under the lens. With light microscopy, scientists can either use a bright white background behind the cells, with the light shining from behind the slide, or they can use a dark background.

Read More: Peer-Reviewed Study: 94% Of Vaccinated Patients With Subsequent Health Issues Have Abnormal Blood

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