TikTok Censors Viral Videos Alleging Inconsistencies in Amber Heard Testimony

TikTok censored numerous viral videos alleging inconsistencies in Amber Heard’s testimony after the platform was contacted by Rolling Stone magazine.

Heard is being sued by her ex-Johnny Depp for defamation and her routinely dubious claims about his behavior have been subject to cynicism and ridicule.

However, seemingly keen to stop the spread of embarrassing viral videos which portrayed Heard in a bad light, Rolling Stone contacted the platform complaining that the videos ‘glorified violence or suffering’.

One of the videos in question, which was later deleted by TikTok, featured two cats playing the roles of Heard and Depp.

“In the video, Heard’s testimony is re-enacted by a cat in a blond wig, with the same cat in a black wig and a Pirates of The Caribbean bandana playing Johnny Depp,” reports Reclaim the Net. “When the video starts, the cat playing Heard is lightly slapped using a finger.”

“The videos mock the alleged inconsistencies in Heard’s testimony, particularly the part where she says that she “turned to look at [Depp]” after he hit her. The original video’s caption read: “Don’t you have to be looking at someone in the face to be able to slap them across it?”

The video, originally posted by a user going by the handle @heyitsgingerandpepper, was removed after clocking up more than 14 million views

Read More: TikTok Censors Viral Videos

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