The Extraordinary Categorised List of Heads of State who attended Davos 2020

As revealed by a 2020 attendee list anonymously given to Quartz, Davos has a way of separating even the global “elite” into strata. The hierarchy of attendees is enumerated in the World Economic Forum’s (“WEF’s”) databases. Participants are put into categories numbered from one to seven—an indication, of sorts, of how senior or perhaps important a delegate is to the business world.

Nearly every person attending is assigned one of these “position levels.” Those listed as ones are labelled things like “Top Executive” or “Head of State.” Twos are labelled in positions like “Senior Executives” and “Deputy Head of State.” Central bankers are level three. Level four includes country officials in a sub-ministerial post. Local government officials are level five. People in honorary positions are level six. Level seven is for those classified as “Functional Staff.”

What was discussed at Davos 2020?  The theme of the 50th annual meeting of the Davos mob was titled Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World and included a ‘Special Address by Han Zheng, Vice-Premier of the People’s Republic of China’.

While the majority most likely enthusiastically agree, or are sufficiently self-serving not to care, not everyone who attends Davos’ annual meetings agrees with WEF’s agenda or, at least, not entirely.

President Donald Trump, for example, attended Davos in 2020 but, it seems, he flew in the face of the globalist party line. In a speech he gave, instead of espousing WEF’s environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) and climate change agenda, Trump focused on the success of his putting Americans first policy and the positive impact it was having on the US economy and American’s lives. You can watch his speech at Davos 2020 HERE.

Read more: The Extraordinary Categorised List of Heads of State who attended Davos 2020

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